Arts and crafts

    The Italian translation of this lesson is available here Traduzione italiana

    As soon as the working stage is complete, we have to deal with the editing, dubbing, music, sounds and their mixing. Other forms of great talent. And we, are known, from our artisans to our carpentries, that we are brought to invent, to transform, necessity is the mother of invention.
    An interesting example is the story of Elio Catozzo, the inventor of the tape splicer.

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    A few decades ago

    the Italian cinema produced more than 280 films each year. Film critics classified them in different levels of quality: A, B, C, awful etc.; meanwhile, thanks to that rich production, it grew a team of experts of enormous talent, with the great quality of being able to start from the lowest steps and rapidly get to the very top. An assistant could easily become a director, an electrician a head electrician, a camera man a light technician. And plenty of interchanges occurred between departments; many directors of photography for instance, became successful film directors. But: to conquer the set of a film a primary mother road existed, today still irreplaceable. Antonioni, Fellini, Rossellini, Olmi, De Seta, Comencini, have experienced it, to quote only the most famous ones.

    It’s the road of the documentary or of the short film

    allievi lab. intensivo del Molise.jpg

    English version edited by Daniele Piserchia

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